The first step - Comprehensive design, Test

Crises are coming, crises are going. We do not know when the real construction will begin on the site, it is not even clear exactly how the buildings will look like, the architecture students have just started designing. The only thing which is sure, that in the near future people are moving into the “wave field” of the Danube at the Háros island. Maybe in a few years, people will live here, play sports, have fun, sit on the shore of the beach and stare at the rays of the setting sun on the other side.

These few years can be up to a decade. Why waiting for so long? Let’s take the first step, design, and build the first object on the site. What does this mean? A tower, a signal, a base, a starting point? A building. This building or structure indicates that something is being made here, more precisely, something has already started. Where should it be? In the axis of arrival, in the extension of the line of Növény Street and Dévér Park. What should it be suitable for? Help the disabled to get to the shore of the river. What else should it be suitable for? The program of the building is up to you it is a matter of planning. Of course, the building has to serve those, who are visiting the site. Serving the visitors can happen in a wide variety of ways, starting with a buffet or toilet, but we prefer not to give tips, just a piece of advice: it is worth planning something that can remain an integral part of the site later, even when the residential development is completed.

Designing is individual work, but later on, teams are free to use members ’plans and other teams’ ideas for their half-year project. Any available material on TEAMS can be used for the design. Upload: February 21 (Sunday) midnight, Teams folder (ZH 2021 02 21). There are no specific formal restrictions, only two aspects: the plans should be well presented in five minutes and should also be understood without a personal presentation. The presentation will begin on February 22 at 9:15 in the RESIDENTIAL KXT Teams group.

foto: beyond the water, source: google street view

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